Based on the novel and the hit-movie of the same name, Legally Blonde: the Musical chronicles the journey of the famously perky Elle Woods, a fashion-savvy, UCLA sorority girl who finds her life turned upside down when she is dumped by her boyfriend Warner.
In an effort to prove to Warner that she is more than just some blonde sorority girl, she follows him to Harvard Law, where she struggles to fit in and do well.
Ultimately, she defies expectations and manages to stay true to her delightfully pink personality!
epsom players
legally blonde
Elle - Lydia Whiteside
bruiser - casper
Emmett - Akhil Gowrinath
Warner - Nathan Langford
Paulette - Imogen Smart-Steel
rufus - arthur
Callahan - Will Brown
Margot - Lara Patterson
Serena - Lisa Allen
Pilar - Tash Rose
Kyle - Dan Brinkwood
Brooke - Millie Shields
Vivienne - Sophie Toyer
Enid - Subha Chelvam-Lewis
epsom players chair - paul falconer
Director - Chris Malone
Musical director - Dan Francis
Choreography - Della Bhujoo
animal handler - eveey ruth
assistant handler - georgie gilbert
Eveey provided Casper and Arthur for our production of Legally Blonde which took away all the hassle of sourcing appropriate dogs. The dogs performed brilliantly every night and the audiences loved them!
- Paul Falconer